scriptVIDEO: युवक ने की छेड़छाड़ तो युवती ने कपड़े उतारकर किया कुछ ऐसा कि देखने वाले रह गए दंग | VIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by man | Patrika News

VIDEO: युवक ने की छेड़छाड़ तो युवती ने कपड़े उतारकर किया कुछ ऐसा कि देखने वाले रह गए दंग

महिला द्वारा मनचले को सिखाए गए सबक का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर भी खूब वायरल हो रहा है।

Dec 08, 2017 / 06:06 pm

Mohit sharma

VIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by manVIDEO: woman took off the clothes after being teased by man

नई दिल्ली। एक ओर जहां दुनिया भर में महिलाओं से छेड़छाड़ की घटनाएं बढ़ती जा रही हैं, वहीं कुछ महिलाएं अपने साथ होने वाली इन घिनौनी घटनाओं का पुरजोर विरोध भी कर रही हैं। महिला के साथ छेड़छाड़ के बाद होने वाले एक ऐसे ही विरोध का मामला ब्राजील के Ribeirao Preto में देखने को मिला है। इस दौरान महिला ने छेड़छाड़ के बाद घटना के विरोध के एक ऐसा तरीका अपनाया कि देखने वालों का तांता लग गया। यही नहीं महिला द्वारा मनचले को सिखाए गए सबक का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर भी खूब वायरल हो रहा है।

टी—शर्ट उताकर कर किया विरोध

दरअसल, यह घटना साउथ—वेस्ट ब्राजील के Ribeirao Preto सिटी सेंटर की बताई जा रही है। सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हुई इस वीडियो में साफ दिखाई दे रहा है कि एक महिला तेज—तेज चिल्लाते हुए युवक को जमीन पर पटक देती है। गुस्से में इस महिला ने अपने एक पैर से युवक को जमीन पर दबा रखा है। यही नहीं महिला घटना के बाद इतने गुस्से में दिखाई दे रही है कि वह आरोपी के साथ खींचतान करते हुए अपनी टी शर्ट उतार देती है और फिर अजीब तरीके से उसके चेहरे पर वार करने लगती है। वहीं मौके पर यह नजारा देख लोगों की भीड़ जमा होने लगती है, जिनमे से कुछ इस वाकिये का वीडियो शूट करते दिखाई दे रहे हैं।

लोगों ने दी प्रतिक्रिया

घटना के बाद सोशल मीडिया पर यह वीडियो आग की तरह फैल गई है। यही नहीं लोग इस पर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दे रहे हैं। इस वीडियो पर आ रहे कमेंट में लोग जहां महिला की बहादुरी को सराहा रहे हैं, वहीं मनचलों को सबक सिखाने के लिए इसे बेहतर प्रयास भी बता रहे हैं। जानकारी के मुताबिक इस वीडियो पर दिखाई दे रही महिला का आरोप है कि कि जब वह सिटी सेंटर के बाहर विज्ञापन के पर्चे बांट रही थी तो आरोपी युवक ने उसके साथ कई बार छेड़छाड़ की थी। जबकि आरोपी महिला के विरोध के बाद भी अपनी इस हरकत से बाज नहीं आ रहा था, जिसके बाद पीड़िता ने उसको सबक सिखाने के लिए मजबूरीवश ऐसा किया है।

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